Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married" by Gary Chapman

I Wish I Had Known...

1. That being in love is not an adequate foundation for building a successful marriage

2. That romantic love has 2 stages
Stage 1 - Being in love. In this stage, the couple doesn't have to work on the relationship. Research indicates that the average life span of the "in love" obsession is 2 years.

Stage 2 - When we come down off the emotional high, our differences begin to emerge and we often find ourselves arguing with the person whom we once thought to be perfect. Couples need to learn how to express love effectively by understanding the primary Love Language of you and your partner.

3. That the saying "Like mother, like daughter" and "Like father, like son" is not a myth
We are far more like our parents than we realize. Couples are encouraged to have enough exposure to each other's parents to get to known their personalities, communication patterns, values and especially how they relate to each other. If you observe things that trouble you, then discuss thoroughly with your dating partner.

4. How to solve disagreements without arguing

5. That apologizing is a sign of strength

6. That forgiveness is not a feeling

7. That toilets are not self-cleaning

8. That we needed a plan for handling our money

9. That mutual sexual fulfillment is not automatic

10. That I was marrying into a family

11. That spirituality is not to be equated with "going to church"

12. That personality profoundly influences behavior

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